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How to Create a New User in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Ankur Patel

We are going to go through step-by-step the process of creating a new user in Dynamics GP, including security settings and assigning roles.

Important Note:

By default, only the system administrator (“sa”) account can create new users or change user passwords. This is because the ‘sa’ user account is also an SQL account (with SQLAdmin Role), providing access to all databases and tables, whereas GP User IDs can only be accessed by GP.

Create a new user:

  1. Login to the Dynamics GP application with 'sa' login.

  2. Select any company to login.

  3. Open the User Setup Window.

Microsoft Dynamics>Tools>Setup>System>User

Or by going to Administration page and clicking on User under setup

4. Setting Up New User Information

In the User Setup Window, enter the appropriate information to create a new user.

5. Optional to Copy Existing User security setting to new user.

*If you need to copy the security settings from an existing user in GP than click on Copy Settings.

Click Yes when prompted to save the new User ID.

Select the User ID that you need to copy the security setting from.

*You can check the box for Home Page, Home Page Content and Area Pages if required.

Click OK to complete the copy settings.

6. User Access Setup to assign the access to companies required.

Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>System>User Access or click on the Administration Page and click on User Access

7. Select the GP User ID from the list of users and check the appropriate box on the right to grant access to the required company.

8. User Security Setup

Open user security setup by going to:

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>System>User Security or

  • Administration Page>Setup>System>User Security

9. User Security Assignment

10. Assign a Different Role to another company for the same user.

To assign a different role to the same user to another company repeat Step 9 and select a different company.

11. Assign the same role to more than one company.

You can assign the same role to multiple companies by clicking on Copy, followed by selecting all the companies that you need to give the same access and click OK.

The new user setup is now complete, and the user can access Dynamics GP.

For more information



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